Tag der offenen Tür: Di, 28.01.2025 16-19 Uhr im ganzen Haus - Danke für Ihren und euren Besuch
BERMUN2 2024
Model United Nations in Berlin

Schiller students successfully took part in the Model United Nations conference BERMUN2 hosted by the John F Kennedy School at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung this February.  The topic was: Rising Nationalism: Fortifying International Institutions. The location in Tiergarten in the centre of Berlin gave the conference a very professional feeling and elevated the atmosphere.

Members of our MUN optional course ‘Zusatzkurs’ and our MUN club represented Japan, Turkey and Qatar in the Disarmament Committee, the Legal Committee and EcoSoc (The Environmental and Social Committee).  For the first time we had two delegates participating in Jr MUN which is for younger students. Our ambassador who was representing Qatar gave a very engaging open speech.
Whilst many of the delegates came from schools in Berlin some came from further afield. One delegation had spent 28 hours travelling from Chang Mai in Thailand to attend this international conference. Our delegates enjoyed spending time with students from around the world.
A highlight was the keynote speech by Prof. Dr. iur. Ekkehard Strauß, who teaches in the Berlin School of Economics and Law.  All the participants were pleased to pass resolutions despite lots of heated debate.  We are already planning which conference to go to next.