Podiumsdiskussion „Deutschland wählt: Zustand und Zukunft unserer Demokratie“ mit Vertreter*innen aus der Politik Mi, 12.02.2025 12-13:35 Uhr Aula
Create your Future Workshops
Create your Future Workshops for pupils at the Technical University in Berlin

By Amanda Baker 

The concrete expanse in front of the main building of the Technical University (TU) seemed to stretch into infinity. Not a pupil in sight. Good. Time for a quick coffee. Refreshed I returned to see my colleagues waiting patiently, lists in their hand. I was very pleased to see that all the 148 pupils of the 10th grade at Schiller Gymnasium as well as a class from the Sophie-Charlotte-Gymnasium turned up almost punctually (or were excused) and were assigned to their different workshops.  This was a first time event. After a meeting with Scientists For Future in spring, Nicole Langreder – a student in

her final year at the TU, had decided to set up an ambitious project offering school pupils the opportunity to have hands-on experience with developing solutions to the impending climate catastrophe.

Vom  23. bis zum 24.09.2019 besuchte die Klassenstufe 10 des Schiller-Gymnasiums die TU, um am „Create Your Future“ Workshop teilzunehmen. Einer der 13 Workshops befasste sich damit, die Menschheit durch das Anfertigen von Comics darauf aufmerksam zu machen, etwas für unsere Umwelt zu tun.
