Podiumsdiskussion „Deutschland wählt: Zustand und Zukunft unserer Demokratie“ mit Vertreter*innen aus der Politik Mi, 12.02.2025 12-13:35 Uhr Aula
English in Action Summer Camp
English in Action Summer Camp

Our first summer workshop helping pupils with their writing skills was a success. In the last week of the holidays, Shane Down from English in Action guided students as they worked at their own pace to create a portfolio of writing and a variety of performances.  The open nature of the course allowed pupils from different years to get to know each other, and the new seventh-graders learned about their new school. There was a lot of laughter involved, along with the realisation that writing can actually be fun.

We will be receiving a visit  on October 17th from a representative of English in Action, who is willing to give a demonstration lesson.  Anybody interested in helping to arrange another workshop should contact Ms Baker.