Podiumsdiskussion „Deutschland wählt: Zustand und Zukunft unserer Demokratie“ mit Vertreter*innen aus der Politik Mi, 12.02.2025 12-13:35 Uhr Aula
Erasmus+ Sustainable Architecture in Prague and Berlin
Erasmus+ Sustainable Architecture in Prague and Berlin

A group of 15 pupils from different classes in years 9 and 10 visited our partner school in Babice near Prague to work on the topic of sustainable architecture, together with Mr Hannon and Ms Sauer.  After first finding out about environmentally friendly buildings around the world and in Berlin, Schiller students investigated traditional and modern architecture in Czechia, together with new friends from Open Gate School.  We were made to feel very welcome in their boarding school.

After an early start from Berlin Hauptbahnhof, we spent the first afternoon exploring the medieval town of Kutná Hora.  The second day, which we spent in Prague, provided lots of inspiration for the challenge which the German Czech teams were given on the last day: Design a sustainable building for the city of Prague. 

The project is continuing with the teams working together online and the winning design will be announced in May!  We are looking forward to hosting our partners from Babice in October and  exploring lots of interesting buildings here in Berlin. 

The project is funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ programme.