The celebration of the 10th year anniversary of the SESB was a great success with a great variety on offer. THe evening opened with a Powerpoint presentation showing highlights of the last 10 years and an exhibition in the Aula of the diversity of all Schiller pupils. Also the work in the Content Language integrated Learning groups (History, Biology and Geography) was shown.
Many projects with a European theme were designed by the students themselves, such as the history of Europe on film, a multimedia project showing an abstract journey through Europe, a sketch illustrating Britain's place in Europe, a multimedial presentation of MacBeth in two languages in 8 1/2 minutes and poems as metaphors entertained the audience.
Parents and teachers also had a word and we were very pleased that Frau Hebisch-Niemsch was able to announce that the SESB was now a 'Schule mit besonderer Prägung'.
The musical side was also well represented by the professional performances of the Jazz Band, Tchillerz, a former pupil Josi Abendroth who sang for us and also Clemens Pietrock who played a beautiful piece by Chopin.
The catering of various canapés offered a wonderful multinational ending to a lovely evening, especially the consumption of the competition Europe, who takes the biscuit...